March 1, 2013

Outfit inspired by Elsie Chapman’s Dualed 
“I chuck my old clothes into the garbage. More pieces of my past, gone. I linger for a second over my shirt, the memory of Chord’s fingers, before letting it go as well. No looking back." 
Striker Touch Screen Gloves | From Rae Gun’s Ramblings
Gun Necklace | $11.99 from Etsy
Black Combat Boots | $179 from Guess
Marled Sweater Infinity Scarf | $32 from TopShop
Helmut Lang Leather Leggings | $840 at ShopBop
Polarquilt Jacket | £107.97 by Barbour

Outfit inspired by Elsie Chapman’s Dualed 

“I chuck my old clothes into the garbage. More pieces of my past, gone. I linger for a second over my shirt, the memory of Chord’s fingers, before letting it go as well. No looking back." 

Striker Touch Screen Gloves | From Rae Gun’s Ramblings

Gun Necklace | $11.99 from Etsy

Black Combat Boots | $179 from Guess

Marled Sweater Infinity Scarf | $32 from TopShop

Helmut Lang Leather Leggings | $840 at ShopBop

Polarquilt Jacket | £107.97 by Barbour


  1. miriamforster reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
    Dualed was awesome. And I covet that scarf.
  2. junishinobi reblogged this from fictiontofashion
  3. themadazn reblogged this from fictiontofashion
  4. ayakomarie reblogged this from elsiechapmanauthor
  5. temporarilyunstable reblogged this from elsiechapmanauthor
  6. elsiechapmanauthor reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
    Love it :D
  7. raegunramblings reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
    So excited to have my Dualed inspired Striker Touch Screen Gloves featured by Fiction to Fashion!
  8. fictiontofashion posted this
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