Outfit inspired by John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars"
"You are so busy being YOU that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are."
Azul Like It Dress | $52.99 on ModCloth
’I am Strong’ day tote | $40 at American Cancer Society
Silver Star Earrings | $34.47 on Etsy
Cumulus Cutie Umbrella | $29.00 on ModCloth
Givenchy Scarf | $292 on Collette
Yellow T-strap flats | $250 from Zappos
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This dress is no longer available and that makes me unbelievably sad but on a happier note that quote is actually one of...
- foto979 reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
So cute! I love this blog.
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rareimpala reblogged this from chachic and added:
This blog is so cool especially when you have actually read the book they are referencing from. :)
chachic reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
The dress is so pretty! And I love how the umbrella goes with it (and the book’s cover).
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as the internet continues to be awesome.
greenspace01 reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
Not that I’d spend this much on shoes or a scarf, but I love the concept
missamandamae reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
This is gorgeous.
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slightly-off-center reblogged this from fictiontofashion and added:
I love this. I want ther outfit and then go to Amsterdam and read the book at a cafe.
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